Miron Construction Honored for Partnership with Focus on Energy

Miron Construction Honored for Partnership with Focus on Energy

Neenah, Wis.

Builder Receives 2019 Energy Efficiency Excellence Award

Neenah, Wis. – As one of the nation’s premiere construction firms, Miron Construction builds everything from office and retail space to fire stations, libraries and churches. The Neenah-based builder also encourages its clients in all sectors to think about sustainability.

That emphasis on sustainability has made Miron a great partner for FOCUS ON ENERGY®, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable resources program, and earned Miron Construction an Energy Efficiency Excellence Award from Focus on Energy.

The award, given to groups that show a commitment to energy efficiency, was presented to Miron’s Director of Sustainable Services, Theresa Lehman, during an all-staff meeting at the company’s Neenah office Friday morning.

“I really appreciate the participation of everybody on the Miron team, and it’s because of you guys we’re receiving this award,” Lehman told the group before receiving a standing ovation, one which Focus on Energy’s Barb Ohlsen says is well-deserved.

“Theresa has set a great example for our industry in leading Miron Construction’s efforts to provide sustainable guidance and support for clients in new construction and innovation projects across Wisconsin,” said Ohlsen, who nominated Lehman and Miron Construction for the award, based on the builder’s collaboration with many utilities across the state and Focus on Energy’s Design Assistance Program (DAP).

In 2018 alone, Miron Construction helped enroll 37 participants in the DAP, making sure its clients knew about the energy expertise and financial incentives Focus on Energy provides.

Ohlsen points out the volume of projects enrolled represents the ongoing commitment by Miron Construction to develop projects that include energy conservation measures from the beginning of design, which is the most efficient time.

“Wisconsin is a net importer of energy and a net exporter of dollars. We are exporting billions, actually almost 15 billion dollars, of our money out of state to pay for our energy needs,” said Maria Redmond, Director of the Office of Energy Innovation at the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. “So, it’s in the best interest of businesses and schools and anyone who is paying for energy in this state to look at the opportunities for energy efficiency and reducing energy waste.”

Focus on Energy partners with 107 utilities across Wisconsin to offer financial incentives that help offset the initial cost of investing in energy-efficient technology, helping along projects that otherwise wouldn’t be undertaken. The program is available to ratepayers of those 107 utilities, including homeowners, businesses, farms, municipalities and others.

During the morning meeting, Miron Construction was also given two plaques it won at the U.S. Green Building Council awards banquet in Milwaukee Thursday: one for most participation in Focus on Energy’s Design Assistance Program as a general contractor and the other for having the most projects enrolled with Focus on Energy.

In addition, staff members for State Senator Roth, who represents Neenah, presented Miron Construction with a citation from the Wisconsin Legislature, recognizing the company’s positive impact in the state and congratulating the company for its 2019 Energy Efficiency Excellence Award.

About Focus on Energy
Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities' statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program funded by the state's investor-owned energy utilities and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities. Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus on Energy information, resources and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not be completed. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment and control Wisconsin's growing demand for electricity and natural gas. For more information call 800.762.7077 or visit focusonenergy.com.

Miron Construction Lobby Photo

Neenah, Wis.

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