Brewery Nonic Honored for Investment in Energy Efficiency

Brewery Nonic Honored for Investment in Energy Efficiency

Menomonie, Wis.
Xcel Energy

Menomonie brewery earns 2019 Energy Efficiency Excellence Award

Menomonie, Wis. – When the Verdon family was converting the old Menomonie Railroad Station into a brewery last year, they worked hard to preserve some of the building’s history and original design. They left the original three-inch-thick wood floors in what used to be the stations baggage room. They salvaged as much of the original glass from the windows as they could and, when they made repairs, they tried to only use tools and techniques available when the station was built in 1906.

But the Verdons also wanted a comfortable, efficient building for their customers.

“We feel this building deserved to be opened to the public and to the community,” said Ron Verdon, “and I think we found a really neat balance in terms of use and sustainable efforts in restoring the building.”

The Verdons worked with FOCUS ON ENERGY® and their local utility, Xcel Energy, on several energy efficiency projects at Brewery Nonic, which opened this January in Menomonie. Those efforts have earned Brewery Nonic a 2019 Energy Efficiency Excellence Award from Focus on Energy.

“When we got the request from Focus on Energy to say, ‘Hey, can you identify a customer in your service territory that could showcase energy efficiency and conservation?’, Brewery Nonic was really the first customer that came to mind,” said Xcel Energy’s Tim Bartels. “From a program standpoint, Focus on Energy reaching out to us to help identify customers… really shows the partnership. Focus on Energy wants to help us serve our customers to the highest capacity possible.”

Working with Bartels and Energy Advisor Joleen Jensen from Focus on Energy, the Vernons made upgrades that included:

• High-efficiency process boiler
• High-efficiency space heating boiler
• Dual-stage glycol chillers
• LED lighting
• Carbon dioxide distribution monitoring
• High-efficiency AC mini-split units

Focus on Energy offers energy expertise and financial incentives to customers of the 107 Wisconsin utilities that participate in the program. Brewery Nonic received a financial incentive of nearly $2,500 from Focus on Energy and bonus incentives from Xcel Energy to help offset the initial cost of the upgrades, and the brewery will see savings on its energy bills for years to come.

Furthermore, the efficient equipment will produce energy savings equal to the carbon dioxide emissions from burning more than 100,000 pounds of coal.

“Focus on Energy is extremely important. It’s a real incentive to help ensure that, as we are building the brewery and restoring the building, it really helped us stay on track,” said Verdon.

Focus on Energy will be working with utilities across the state in the coming months to present 18 Energy Efficiency Excellence Awards to businesses, schools and institutions that have shown a commitment to energy efficiency.

A recent evaluation found every $1 invested in Focus on Energy programs creates more than $5 in benefits for Wisconsin, including economic benefits, reduced energy costs, and reduced pollution.

About Focus on Energy
Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities' statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program funded by the state's investor-owned energy utilities and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities. Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus on Energy information, resources and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not be completed. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment and control Wisconsin's growing demand for electricity and natural gas. For more information call 800.762.7077 or visit

About Brewery Nonic
The journey to Brewery Nonic began in 2004 when our love affair with beer first began. Over time, we discovered exactly what we want our place in this industry to be. First and foremost, we want it to be in Menomonie, where we are from. We believe in community. We especially believe in this community, and the important role that good, quality beer has in it. It’s more than a simple means to a good time. It’s a natural purveyor of socialization. It brings us together and creates communities that grow, develop, work and learn together. That is why we love beer. Because we love community and people.

Brewery Nonic Award Picture

Menomonie, Wis.
Xcel Energy (Northern States Power)

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