The Packers Go More Green to Save Money on Energy



The Green Bay Packers began showing-off a cost saving benefit on Wednesday of it's recent renovation project at Lambeau Field. It's a section of the stadium that fans don't usually see deep inside Lambeau Field there is a system of energy-saving devices that is truly turning the stadium green.

Even for one of the most celebrated football programs in the country, saving money on the bottom line is still a priority.

"Mike and his staff have that constantly on their mind as they upgrade facilities and switch out older units to newer ones. We always want to use the most efficient that's available," says Aaron Popkey the Director of Public Affairs for the Green Bay Packers.
So when the south zone renovation project began, so did the savings.
"They choose energy efficient chillers, boilers, and lighting as part of the package," explains Tamara Sondgeroth the Director of Operations for Focus on Energy. They are a partner of Wisconsin utility companies who can advise businesses and everyone else how to save some coin by reducing your carbon footprint.
The Packers received about 70 thousand dollars in incentives for all of the upgrades from Focus on Energy. Those are incentives any business can capitalize on.
"If you're doing a new construction project we will actually pay your design team to consider energy efficient options with us," says Sondgeroth.
So while you add up all the changes made at the Packer's upgraded stadium, it really amounts to more than just some change.
"It's about 100 thousand dollars a year they're saving on energy costs right from the projects they just did," adds Sondgeroth.
So next time you think about changing that bulb or getting a new oven, maybe you go the high efficiency route.
"Those few dollars you save every month you could use to buy Packer tickets," says Sondgeroth with a huge grin.
The Packers say this isn't the end of these energy-efficiency upgrades. They have more plans for Lambeau Field in the future.
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