Study: Focus on Energy Better Bargain Than Ever For Wisconsin

Press Release


MADISON – Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy programs continue to be extremely cost-effective for the state and are now more popular than ever among Wisconsin’s energy consumers.

A recent independent evaluation, prepared by The Cadmus Group, shows Focus on Energy’s customer satisfaction rating is at an all-time high of 9 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being extremely satisfied.

“Focus on Energy continues to be a tremendous catalyst for our state’s economy by creating jobs and investment,” said Wisconsin Public Service Commission Chairperson Lon Roberts. “And in partnership with our state utilities, Focus on Energy is helping customers keep more money in their pockets by reducing the size of their bills. You can see the program’s success in those customer satisfaction numbers.”

In addition to being extremely popular with customers, the recent evaluation shows Focus on Energy programs continue to generate great bang for the bucks invested. Every $1 invested in Focus on Energy programs creates $5.93 in benefits, including economic benefits to the state, reduced energy costs, and reduced pollution.

“This latest evaluation further confirms Focus on Energy is a tremendous bargain for Wisconsin, with benefits far exceeding cost,” said Erin Monroe-Nye, Focus on Energy Program Director.

The evaluation also measured Focus on Energy’s progress towards reaching its four-year energy savings goals. Through the first three years (2015-2017), with 2018 to go, Focus on Energy has already achieved 91% of its electric energy lifecycle savings goal and 73% of its natural gas lifecycle savings goal.

Other key findings from the evaluation report include:

• Last year, Focus on Energy served customers at more than 113,000 residences and more than 5,100 businesses.
• In addition, an estimated 873,000 Wisconsin customers took advantage of lighting discounts at retail locations across the state.
• In 2017 alone, Focus on Energy – with support from state utilities and Trade Ally contractors - reached 107% of its electric energy savings goal and 86% of its natural gas savings goals. The combined electric and gas energy saved last year would power more than 69,000 homes for one year.

The full report can be found under “2017 Evaluation Reports” at

About Focus on Energy
Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities' statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program funded by the state's investor-owned energy utilities and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities. Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus on Energy information, resources and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not be completed. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment and control Wisconsin's growing demand for electricity and natural gas. For more information call 800.762.7077 or visit


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