Independent Study Shows Economic Benefit of Focus on Energy

Wisconsin residents and businesses keep proving the statewide energy efficiency and renewable energy program stimulate the economy while eliminating energy waste. An annual, independent evaluation showed in 2021 FOCUS ON ENERGY® returned more than $4 for every dollar invested into the program and broke the record for customer satisfaction.

The Cadmus Group prepared the report showing an overall customer satisfaction rating for 2021 at 9.5 on a 10-point scale. Customer satisfaction has risen in each of the past seven years with 9.5/10 the highest number in residential customer satisfaction and 9.4/10 the highest in business customer satisfaction. Businesses and Wisconsin residents reaped the benefits of Focus on Energy’s efforts in the form of reduced emissions, reduced energy waste and costs.

“For more than 20 years, Wisconsin’s utilities, businesses, and residents have embraced Focus on Energy’s mission to empower all of us to make smart energy decisions,” Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Chairperson Rebecca Cameron Valcq said. “Many of Wisconsin’s manufacturers, school districts, and large businesses employ energy managers now and many tell me when I visit that Focus on Energy incentives and technical assistance helped them expand -- ensuring those companies stayed in Wisconsin.”

Other key findings from the 2021 evaluation report:

  • Focus on Energy served customers at more than 1,112,000 residences and more than 5,000 businesses.
  • Annual energy savings total almost 500 million kilowatt hours and more than 15 million therms in 2021.
  • Customers highly rated their interactions with Focus on Energy’s programs, Trade Ally contractors, and staff. Overall, customer satisfaction was rated as a 9.5 on a 10-point scale.
  • Since 2011, Focus on Energy incentives and technical assistance has reduced emissions in Wisconsin equivalent to taking 15 million cars off the road and kept 69 million tons of carbon dioxide from entering the environment.

“Despite the continuing effects of the pandemic in 2021, Focus on Energy residential and business programs, Trade Allies and Energy Advisors, and the online marketplace delivered what Wisconsinites expect from us,” said Focus on Energy Managing Director Lisa Stefanik. “Year after year, Focus on Energy has shown how cutting energy waste helps with energy savings as well as stimulates the state economy.”

Read the entire evaluation report
Check out the interactive charts and maps displaying the achievements of Focus on Energy programs.

Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities' statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program funded by the state's investor-owned energy utilities and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities. In 2021, Focus on Energy offered financial incentives and technical assistance to help eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses reduce their energy waste. According to an independent evaluation of 2021 programs, Focus on Energy delivered more than $4 in benefits to Wisconsin residents and businesses for every $1 spent, resulting in economic benefits, reduced energy costs, and reduced emissions. For more information on how Focus on Energy can help you save energy, go to

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