Focus on Energy Recharging Rural Wisconsin

Wisconsin State Farmer


When you save energy, you save money.

It’s a simple premise for any farm, agribusiness or homeowner.

Wisconsin utilities have partnered to offer a statewide energy efficiency and renewable energy program known as Focus on Energy since 2001. It offers technical assistance and financial incentives to help participants complete energy efficiency projects (that would not otherwise get completed) in homes, schools, and farms and businesses of all sizes.

Focus on Energy helps utility customers reduce energy waste through energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy technology. It’s also an economic development tool for rural Wisconsin.

Saving energy and money for Wisconsinites takes many forms at Focus on Energy. Efficient lighting in cheese plants, improved ventilation in barns, and irrigation pumps are examples of how Focus on Energy recharges rural Wisconsin.

Each year, more than 6,000 Wisconsin businesses work with Focus on Energy. These projects make farms and businesses more efficient, cost effective and competitive on the global stage.

An efficient business is a competitive one. The same goes for our state’s economy.

The combined effects of Focus on Energy projects strengthen Wisconsin’s infrastructure and retains jobs. Eliminating energy waste reduces the need to purchase coal and natural gas from other states, which keeps dollars in Wisconsin and lessens the need to build additional power plants. Since 2012, Focus on Energy has delivered nearly $800 million worth of net economic benefits to Wisconsin.

Cost effective at delivering significant energy savings with high customer satisfaction, Focus on Energy remains one of the nation’s most cost-effective programs of its type. An independent evaluation of Focus on Energy's 2016 programs found that every dollar invested returned $3 in benefits to Wisconsin, and that customers rated their overall satisfaction at nine on a 10-point scale.

To learn more about how Focus on Energy can assist you, visit focusonenergy.comand its Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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