Active Pilot Programs and Demo Projects Integrated Controls

About the Pilot

This demonstration project investigates the potential to achieve energy savings from integrating network lighting controls (NLC) with the building automation system (BAS) in commercial buildings. Once connected, the BAS uses signals from the lighting's occupancy sensors to optimize HVAC with measures to reduce energy use in real-time. This project will quantify the benefits of integrated controls, measure the energy impacts, assess barriers to implementation, evaluate the user experience, and develop recommendations for Focus on Energy programs.

Project Timeline: May 2022 – May 2025
Customer Segment:
Commercial, Schools, Government

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Demonstration Project Objectives:

  • Determine the potential energy savings that can be achieved by using occupancy signals from the lighting system to enhance HVAC control strategies executed through the building’s existing BAS.
  • Demonstrate the integration across three project sites including full lighting retrofits and HVAC controls integrations as well as integration-only projects.
  • Determine which market segments and trade allies are most interested in pursuing/supporting NLC+ projects.
  • Determine effective incentive structure to promote future projects enrollment.
  • Determine what building characteristics create the greatest opportunities for energy savings.
  • Discover barriers to integration for different projects and find solutions.

Demonstration Project Updates

Three projects are enrolled in this pilot, and recruitment has closed. Monitoring equipment has been installed to gather pre-integration energy usage data at each site. One project successfully completed the NLC and BAS integration in Q2 2024 and is moving into post-integration monitoring. Monitoring will continue after full integration at the two other sites to determine energy savings.

Learn More

For more on the technology used in this demonstration project, see Slipstream's guide to integrating lighting and HVAC controls.


Contact Prachi Sharma: 608.210.7107 or

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