Energy Management and Technology: Fundamentals and Beyond - POSTPONED

February 25, 2020 4:00 PM
Wintergreen Conference Center
60 Gasser Road
Lake Delton

02/25/2020 8:00 AM
Wintergreen Conference Center
60 Gasser Road
Lake Delton

The goal of this course is to provide the student with a clear understanding of energy terminology, supply and trend costs, and how to effectively read and analyze utility bills. The course continues with an overview of why energy management programs are a critical element in cost reduction and profitability initiatives within an organization. Additional topics include how to establish an energy management program, develop an energy team, the importance of having a champion, defining and implementing polices and energy program goals.

Energy Management and Technology: Fundamentals and Beyond addresses;

  • Why energy management programs succeed or fail;
  • How to develop and implement an energy efficiency culture within an organization
  • How the Focus on Energy Program can provide manpower and financial resources to assist the organization in optimizing and reducing their overall energy costs.

The course builds on the knowledge gained during the introductory chapters covered in the morning and begins the process of refining the students understanding of terms, definitions, formulas and thumb rules used to determine the operating costs associated with various energy systems, to include: Building Envelope, Compressed Air, Lighting, Motors and Variable Frequency Drives, Boilers and Steam, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning.

Energy Management and Technology: Fundamentals and Beyond then addresses important topics relative to how the Focus on Energy Program can provide resources to assist an organization in identifying potential energy reduction project and determine if incentives may be available to help reduce the overall payback of the project.

Intended audience: * Maintenance Personnel * Facility Managers * Facility Engineers * Plant Engineers * Building Engineers * Environmental Managers * Energy Managers/Directors * Utility Managers * Cost Reduction Team Leaders * Business Owners and Managers * Engineering Students interested in expanding their knowledge of energy management

CEU: 0.6 / PDH: 6

Payment information: Credit card payments preferred.
Paying by check? Make payable to: SEERA / Focus on Energy, 1 S. Pinckney St., Ste. 340, Madison, WI 53703

Questions, contact:
Lisa Lee

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